Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Trickier Bits

To get the lights to animate the object I decided to do this in After Effects using a great lighting plugin called Optical Flares. Chose to use this is as it's generaly given some nice realistic results in past projects.

The issue with rendering out in C4D was rendering with transparency and alphas. From what I knew and what I was researching on the net I couldnt see a way of doing it. I needed the logo model to have transparency as a given. Without it, the project would have pretty much finished here because I needed the logo model to be animated in C4D and the backing to be created in AE.

Anyway, to get around this I started looking at green screening and how it can be keyed out in AE. This led to an annoying ammount of faffing with cinema trying to get a flat green background that - doesnt reflect green all over the object and lights evenly enough to be masked out. Annoying enough, it was later into the project I was watchin a completely unrelated video tutorial which briefly mentioned using the compositing tag to create a matted object out of the layer. This solved the problem as you could also hide the object from rays and lights.

The footage was rendered as a JPEG sequence as I was having some issues with this ever reliable desktop PC locking up on me. Rendering jpegs allowed me to pick up after where it messed up (which it actually did). Saved me waiting another 4hours.

Rendering this as a whole was actually extremely demanding on time. Running a high quality render with good settings took over 5hours to render 26 frames. This was later stopped and rendered in a much lower quality setting as seen in the ISSUU above. Total render time came in at around 4hours total.

Image of the higher quality render settings below,

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